Author: Derrick Koon

  • It’s all in flux

    Heraclitus spoke of the ever changing nature of the universe. How everything is in flux. I feel like our world is like this. Tumultuous and shifting we feel like we cannot sit still because we will be tossed about. We often look at this as a warning to be on guard and be prepared for…

  • Replenishing the soul

    Lately I have been reading a lot more. I pick up used books all the time and I try to pick the dry bones of whatever subject the author is trying to convey for some inspiration for my Stoic journey. This past weekend I picked up a ragged copy of “The Intellectual Life” by A.G.…

  • Failure

    One of the hardest parts of being a Stoic is knowing when you have fallen short of virtue. It not simply a matter of guilt or pride but a knowing that you have forgotten your principles and have done some vile deed. When I was in a moment in which I had forgotten my principles,…

  • On being a philosopher

    I am not a philosopher. I wish I was able think as deeply as James, Emerson and Russell. I have no grasp of logic because I deemed it too difficult in my childhood and never took up the study of mathematics. My thoughts are shallow, surface level introspections, not because of lack of effort but…

  • I got angry today

    I got angry today. I let the madness overtake me and I lost that part of me that was reasoned. In short I failed. But I now get to begin again. I get to learn from that failure and see it clearly. I know now that when I am tired my walls are weaker. My…

  • Making peace with Death

    I have long dreaded reading Seneca beyond his Letters. I felt that Seneca was a hypocrite who reveled in the fortune he had made as a statesman while lecturing his fellow citizens on virtue. A shallow view grounded in my own unwillingness to commit to reading deeper than a 15 minute skim would allow. That…

  • The Stoic Perspective on Happiness: Uncovering True Joy in Life

    Happiness, a state of being that humans have sought throughout the ages, remains an elusive concept for many. In a world consumed by materialism and external validations, the Stoic philosophy offers a refreshing perspective on the nature of happiness. Stoicism, an ancient philosophy founded in Greece around 300 BCE, teaches us that true happiness lies…

  • Beyond the Individual

    The title of this post is also the title of the book I am reading currently. “Beyond the Individiual” by Will Johncock is a book that is changing a lot of my outlook on my own Stoic learning. The author main goal in the book is to alter Modern Stoic understanding to include a more…

  • I don’t know

    A little paradox I have noticed as I have gotten older. As I move into an age in which I should feel I have the most knowledge I am more aware of how unwise I am. As if the accumulation of experience and knowledge reveals the lack of experience and knowledge. This is both profound…

  • Peaceful thoughts

    I took a walk today. It was cool outside and I walked along the side of the lake here in our local town. I felt the breeze and could smell the damp ground by the lake. It is in these times that I am reminded of the unity of everything around us, how we are…